wicralikuz Admin replied

293 weeks ago


Basic Sub Download

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a5c7b9f00b A DEA agent investigates the disappearance of a legendary Army ranger drill sergeant and several of his cadets during a training exercise gone severely awry.
An Army sergeant takes six of his special troops on a training mission into the rain-soaked Colombian jungles and only two come out alive. When the rescue mission arrives, they see one soldier killing another and carrying a wounded comrade. As the interrogation begins, the soldier refuses to talk to anyone other than another Ranger. The investigating officer protests, but her commanding officer nonetheless brings in a former Ranger and current DEA agent to help. The agent is currently on suspension from DEA for allegedly accepting a bribe. From this point on, the plot continues to twist and turn and offers numerous surprises that keeps the story interesting.
So many twist and confusing plot. viewers may loose interest in watching movie within half an hour in the movie. story is very bad they could have done better.<br/><br/>Samuel l jackson is keeping his standard in performance.<br/><br/>Many of the viewers may not be happy with the performance travolta.
I had a bad feeling about this one. The reason i saw this movie was because i was at a friend's place, he rented this movie and i didn't feel like going home yet. Since i have sometimes been positively surprised by a movie i would never rent just by the look of it (that bad feeling again); i went and sat through it. Movie's over, i rush over to imdb, expecting to get acknowledgement over the fact that this flick isexcitingwatching hair grow. Big was my surprise. I can think a few explanations though: they haven't seen many movies in their lives (fair enough), they have but they forgot about them, or they simply enjoy the movie equivalent of a bag of air. Regardless of the dark forces that drive them, or whether you'll 'understand' the 'plot' or not: it ain't worth your effort. Watch your favorite movie for the 34th time if you have to. But please, do not tell me this was a good movie. Thank you.
Basic essentially is a fun movie, surprise ending and all. To take it too seriously is to miss the point. Travolta is charming, his performance recapturing the old charisma.
In order to understand the drug operation in this movie, we must first take a look at the people involved:<br/><br/><ul><li>Vilmer: Supplied the drugs, named "Combat Cocktails", to soldiers suchMueller and Kendall. He was also running an operation with a partner, probably Colonel Styles, to smuggle cocaine in military shipments into the United States.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Kendall: Distributed drugs for Vilmer, and was supposedly hired by Col. Styles to kill Sgt. West.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Mueller: Distributed drugs for Vilmer, and was supposedly hired by Col. Styles to kill Sgt. West.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>West: Found out about the drug operation 1 week prior to the events in the movie, and went to inform Col. Styles about the discovery. Because of Col. Styles' inaction and potential threat to his safety, Sgt. West arranged the training mission in order to preemptively eliminate Kendall and Mueller.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Col. Styles: Covered Vilmer's drug operation in order to make millions of dollars from the drug operation.</li></ul><br/><br/>Sgt. West found out that Vilmer was running a drug trafficking operation out of the hospital, and he also found out that Kendall and Mueller were involved in the operation. Not knowing that Col. Styles was involved in the operation, Sgt. West approached him to reveal the drug operation. After some time, the inaction of Col. Styles arose suspicion . Sgt West also suspected that Mueller and Kendall would be ordered to kill him. <br/><br/>Sgt. West then arranges the training exercise in order to confront or eliminate Mueller and Kendall. There is no definitive answer to this question, however there are several possibilities:<br/><br/>1. The Section 8 team needed conclusive proof that Col. Styles was behind the drug operation. So far, Sgt. West and Hardy probably only had suspicions.<br/><br/>2. Dunbar (Brian Van Holt) might have been sent back to base in order to create a cover story for the disappearance of the other team members.
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last edited 215 weeks ago by wicralikuz
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